

Numerology services reveal a person's life purpose as well as their character traits, strengths, and weaknesses. In numerology, the shorter stretches and high points of a person's life can be computed. Birth year, birth month, and birthday all influence how you live your life and the difficulties you encounter.

When they are situated in a person's life path, soul urge, birthdate, or another significant spot, malefic numbers in their numerology chart take on a special significance. We are the best providers of Numerology Services in Dehradun.

Numerological profiles can act as a "life guide" to assist you to prepare for the experiences you will encounter. The life path number can be calculated in numerology, both specifically and generally.
Your Life Path number
The Life Path number is the single most important number in your Numerology chart, because it acts as a blueprint outlining how your life will play out. Opportunities and challenges faced along the way are heavily influenced by the Life is your general character and course of action as you embark on life's journey.

Your Life Path number is based off of the numbers in your full birth date. It encaptures your entire being and will never change, and for those reasons, it's very special.
Your Expression number
While your Life Path number plots your life's lessons and how you handle them, your Expression number is all about your natural strengths and weaknesses given to you at your time of birth.

Often referred to as the Destiny number, as it aims for your goal in life, this number is the foundation on which your Life Path can flourish.

The numbers that correspond to the letters in your full name, and it reveals the talents and abilities instilled in you at birth.
Your Personality Number
Your Personality number is the first impression people get of you. It represents the parts of yourself that you are most ready and willing to reveal, and helps you determine just how much you reveal, and to whom.

This number acts as a buffer, screening out some people and situations you don't want to deal with while welcoming the things in life that relate to your inner nature. Only the consonants in your name is Your Personality number.
Your Heart's Desire number
What are the reasons behind your actions? What do you really want in life and love? This is where your Heart's Desire comes in to play, and it signifies the reasons behind the choices you make in all aspects of your life, from your career to your relationships - the burning fire within.

Vowels in your name considered as Your Heart's Desire number - those soft sounds shed light on the inner workings of your more subconscious desires.
Your Birth Day number
The day on which you were born - and it reveals a certain talent that will eventually find its place on your Life Path.

While it's the most insignificant of the core numbers, the Birth Day number puts a time stamp on the person you are today according to one single aspect that will ultimately impact your life in a big way. Just as you were destined to be born on this specific day, you have been given a certain special gift as a result.

About Us
We Maharishi Parashar Vidyalaya has created its niche in the astrology world and has become a popular brand name. We conduct workshops, seminars and research associated with astrology and related Fields.
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